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Working with RightFoot

  • RightFoot will consult with you to determine how we can best support your desired objectives & outcomes
  • We will propose an itinerary that meets your needs & fully engages those taking part. 
  • Upon receiving your approval, we will launch the opportunities & help you to promote them. We can offer you access to a ready-made, dedicated website with your branding to help make this possible.
  • Whether the team is made up of supporters, local or corporate partners, or members of staff, RightFoot would serve as the point of contact for all challenge participants.

  • We would work with you to provide sufficient resources & information to all participants in empowering them to raise funds & profile on your behalf.
  • All fundraising over & above trip costs goes in full to your desired cause. If a modest fundraising target of £2,000 per person (not including trip costs) was achieved by 25 participants, you would have raised £50,000 (+GiftAid).
  • The itinerary will include, where feasible, project visits in order to ensure that challenge participants are as engaged with the charity & its work as is possible, & with the specific aim of creating advocates for the longer term.
  • RightFoot would work in partnership with you throughout, working on your behalf to ensure that the outcomes from this exciting project are maximized in every respect possible.